From my personal experience I can conclude that however practical we become or futuristic, the wisdom of the ancient times, is still as relevant as it has been down the ages.
It is still true, that our actions have a direct impact on the karma and destiny for not just us, but also for our family, present and future.... Basically what I am trying to say here, is, in today's world, where each individual lives and believes, that he is responsible for just himself, and nobody should have a say in how he/she lives life and that his/her decisions impact only the said person, is actually wrong. The way of life our elders passed on to us, where we were taught to live in sync with the society around us and that every actions impacted everybody was and will always be true.
Susan believed so much in adopting a child since she was a teenager. She would always say to everyone, when I get married, I will adopt a child. Time passed, she fell in love, married her sweetheart, and though she thought about adoption, it was not in her immediate plans. Finally, when they decided to have a child, they came to know, they had problems. Her best choice would be adoption. Her in-laws were the conservative types, under normal conditions would not have approved her adopting a child. But looking at the circumstances, agreed happily. What she believed in, came to her, though she never planned it this way.
Ryan and his brothers, are good eligible boys, with a respectable family background. All are well settled in their jobs. However, they are having problems in finding their life partners and getting married and settling down in life. Everything is fine, and yet they cannot seem to settle down. The problem here, believe it or not, comes from few generations back. His great grandfather, was not the most perfect gentleman. He left his wife to get married again, leaving his first family to fend for itself. He led a comfortable life, and passed away in his old age. The next generations however, with god's grace, were all righteous and good people. They led good lives, with some difficulties thrown in. But this generation of boys from this family seems to be having it rough.
Thomas, was a very hardworking and genuine kind of guy. Living on a farm with his wife and kids, though he was not too well off, still he always made efforts to help others whenever and wherever possible. He was also a religious guy, who went to church regularly, and instilled his faith in his kids. Though his life did not turn out to be extraordinary, he lived well, and long enough to see his children succeed and well settled in life. He had the opportunity to spend his old age laughing and playing with his grand kids.
The people mentioned above, are all real and known to me, in fact a lot of you too would know someone like them in your life. If you pause to think and understand, you would also agree, to what the general pattern here seems to be suggesting..
Let us all realise, understand and implement it in our lives.... amen...
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