Sunday, 14 April 2013

Always aim for the sky

Even if the world says, it's impossible, even if your loved ones say that you are being unreasonable, but if in your heart you want it, go for it !!!! It is a life lesson, everyone should believe in.

It is also true, that not every dream will come true, not every goal will be attained, but we will live to know that we tried our bestest. If we don't believe we can reach the stars, we will never try. It is somewhat like the story of the elephants. The elephants were chained with a chain, when they were young, so they believed into their adulthood, that they cannot break the chain and be free. However, an elephant with its might and size can easily do so. But it was tricked into thinking the chain is still too strong. Similarly, if we chain ourselves into thinking that our dreams, aspirations and goals are too high and unattainable, we will never achieve them.

So always believe in yourself, and aim for the sky!!!

Have a great day! Have a great life! 

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